What is it?

device after successful deployment.
- A video x-ray or moving radiograph to see the heart moving in real time
- Requires general anesthesia in pets
- Essential diagnostic tool to define congenital heart defects, place pacemakers and perform other procedures, such as balloon dilation of narrowed valves, and placement of a device to cure specific heart defects(ductal occluder for patent ductus arteriosus).
Who does it?
- A team of cardiologists along with several veterinary technicians.
- Usually performed at the same time as an interventional procedure as noted above.
How long does it take to get results?
- 2-6 hours
- Length of the procedure varies with the type of the procedure and complexity – the cardiologist will review with you how long they expect the procedure to last.
- Results are analyzed real-time during the procedure
- The family is updated when the procedure is starting and immediately after the procedure with the results and outcome..